
Promised Land

An award-winning documentary, PROMISED LAND, a social justice film on the Duwamish and Chinook tribes, their fight for restoration, and what the federal recognition process says about indigenous sovereignty today.

Off the road again...

Last Tuesday, while on a road trip up and down the coast filming, we celebrated our one year anniversary working on our documentary, Promised Land. We’ve met so many great people along the way and while we wrap production in July, we know we’ve made lifelong friends up and down the coast.

We can’t wait to share this story of the Duwamish and Chinook nations fight for sovereignty with the world. Their fight for federal recognition is an important story not just for the Pacific Northwest, but for the country at large as we, as a country, consider how we honor our promises, our past and how we move forward into our future together. When we look at one small story of these regional tribes; one still lead by the descendants of Chief Seattle, the other led by the descendants of those who fed and sheltered Lewis and Clark and controlled trade up and down the coast as the West was settled; we find we’re looking through a key hole at a larger story that connects us all: the immigrants and indigenous alike. 

Consider contributing (tax-deductible donation!) to the film here. We’ll thank you in the film credits and you can be an important part of this filmmaking endeavor: http://www.sffs.org/filmmaker360/project-development/promised-land#.U3v64lhdXIX
