We’re really excited to announce that our film, Promised Land, has been sponsored by the amazing San Francisco Film Society. We’re so honored to have access to their resources, partnership and advice as we work on our documentary.
This has been an exciting journey so far, but it’s also been rough. Doing anything you love is hard because it takes all of you: all of your time, all of your resources, and most of all, your heart. You put all that you have of yourself into a creative work, and that can leave you feeling pretty vulnerable. That’s why it’s been wonderful, and an unbelievable privilege to ally with such a great force in the filmmaking world. We’re ecstatic moving forward with this amazing story having such a great vote of confidence in this film in place.
Here is the San Francisco Film Society page on our project! There’s a blurb up about the film, and a place to donate. It just means a lot to be listed on their site. The Hollywood Reporter did a fantastic article on San Francisco Film Society and how it’s become a game-changer for the film world in the last few years. Seriously, have I mentioned that we’re excited about this partnership? If I haven’t, let me know. I can keep on repeating myself.
What’s next for us? We have a lot of exciting things in the works, but we’re continuing to be tactful about when we release the full information about the film until we’ve reached a certain point in production. What you can look out for is our first trailer, which should be released within the next month!
Stay tuned and thanks for your support!